when you ask yourself why…

There are days in Second Life when you log in and you wonder “why?” Why are you logging into some game that you literally can go days without talking to another soul unless you make an effort. Even if you go to a club, people might attempt to talk to you, but THAT can be a pretty weird experience in itself.

So why do I log in now? Well, back in February I was wandering around looking at items on sale on the 25 Linden Tuesday Sale list and wandered into a store. If you knew me, you would know I listen to music, constantly. That is one of the things I do love about Second Life is that for the most part no matter where I go, music is playing.

So I’m looking around and I’m jamming out to the music in real life so I put Care’s dance animation on and just stand there grooving out. Listen, I’m weird, it’s just who I am. I will dance anywhere and everywhere in real life, what would stop me from doing it in this game? lol So, yeah, this guy starts dancing along with me, apparently he’s just as weird as I am. We start talking about plants and decor and pretty much haven’t stopped talking since.

So what was my point here, oh yeah, Second Life is just about you, finding what you love about it, and you really just might find others who love the same things that you can connect with. Explore, find those who will make your Second Life beautiful.

Then you will have your “why” too โค

Speaking of music, here is the song that was playing while I was making SuxC suffer through my 100 outtakes of this photo ๐Ÿ˜‰

SONG: Ty Dolla $ign & Future – Darkside feat. Kiiara

or on Spotify @ https://open.spotify.com/track/14EgW52HVqnLHd30bgbPxg?si=b347c35888054cea


~Are on the Flickr post if you want to know about anything we are wearing~

I couldn’t decide if I should list everything here as well, let me know ~

till next time~ *hugs* care

p.s. Thank you SuxC Bonham, for making my Second Life (and the landscaping in this photo) like a beautiful dream. โค

I dreamt of you…

It was a good dream.

I wandered around most of the night checking out events I had missed during my time absent.

At ” The INITHIUM event” I found out that they make the KUPRA bodies (yes, I’m behind the times and didn’t have a clue) but there at the event I found these cute little pajamas with lemons! I’m one of those people who run to Bath and Body Works to smell the latest perfumes, but usually walks out with something like “lemon cookies” or “spring lemons” smells. So, yeah, I thought these were appropriate.

PAJAMAS: Blue Flower – Midnight Snack – Lemon (Picked these up from “The INITHIUM event”)
Event SLURL: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Celeste/137/87/23

I also found the head I just bought there for 25% cheaper, which…. hurt a little *laughs* Ah well.

HEAD: LeLUTKA Ceylon Head 3.0 (If you like this head, you can save your money and can get it for 25% off @ “The INITHIUM event”, link above)
LeLUTKA SLURL: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LeLutka/91/135/24

I put the rest of the links on my Flickr post, if you like you can check them out there. *hugs*

Till next time…


Something in my eye

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Today I was going through poses to take my latest Flickr picture and this one just made me giggle. With the nails it literally looks like I’m about to jab my eye out. But they are already having an issue!

I snapped the photo above to remember that moment.

My latest Flickr picture is here. You can click on the picture to snag all the credits for this items I’m wearing ๐Ÿ™‚

Heart in Bloom...

Till next time~~


Swing with me…

Doesn’t everyone love a swing? Honestly when KAZZA put this out for the Happy Weekend Sale this weekend I was stoked! I wasn’t going to even post a picture today but it (and Sux) inspired me!Swing with me...

He did all the landscaping after I put the swing in world. So totally grateful ๐Ÿ™‚

SWING: KAZZA – LikeaChildren – CM
KAZZA SLURL: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/KAZZA/100/185/23

Happy Weekend sale site: https://www.access-sl.com/60lusd-happy-weekend-by-access